In this day and age, eating and living is easy for many people.
And in today’s society, many people want more than just to live.

They want to fall in love. They want money. To be more beautiful than others. To be considered a superior human being. To be known by everyone. I want freedom.

In today’s society, people’s needs have shifted away from simply sustaining life to how they want to be perceived in society and in their relationships. And if that desire is not fulfilled, it will not be.

And if that desire is not fulfilled, they may even take their own lives.

Although the internal organs, which are the very structure of the human body, play a role in sustaining life, people today are taking their own lives because they are unable to obtain what their brains perceive as not being necessary.

The brain, a mechanism created by vertebrates to protect the body, has become a mechanism to kill the body.

The guts are suffering and grieving.

The organs, tormented by desires that are far removed from the brain’s perception of survival, are the very distortion of modern society.